
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Asian Food Style - Caramel Pork.

K is a caramelholic. She just loves it and a few weeks ago, she asked me to cook some caramel pork. The first attempt was not that conclusive, so I searched a better recipe and last week I gave it another try. And it worked pretty well actually; I adapted a recipe I found from the Internet and the pork was really sticky, a bit crunchy and tender at the same time. And K was so satisfied that we've decided to put the recipe on the blog. I didn't have fresh or ground  ginger left in my kitchen -I know, what a shame for an Asian girl, no ?! - so I used candied ginger and in fact, it was better since it was already sweet, so it allowed me to reduce the quantity of sugar instead.

for two
- 300g pork
- 50g granulated sugar
- 3 tbp water
- 2 tbp soya sauce
- 1 tbp fish sauce
- chopped candied ginger (as you want)
- vegetable oil

1) In a saucepan, pour 50g sugar and the water to make a caramel; when it's getting brown, add the soya sauce;
2) Meanwhile, fry the pork; when it's sealed, incorporate the caramel
3) Add the fish sauce and the candied ginger; stir and cook for about 15-20min.



  1. This recipe sounds delicious! I too love caramel and love the yin and yang of food pairings. Sweet and savoury is perfect. Just the recipe I was looking for. Thank you.

  2. Thanks both. This recipe is now one of our favorites !

  3. I've had this bookmarked for months and am finally trying it tonight!

    But your ingredients call for 50g of sugar and the recipe only mentions 30g. What am I missing here?

  4. Hey Lyss Vicious,

    sorry for the delayed answer. Actually it's a mistake we've made while writing the recipe. 50g is the right quantity to use. Sorry for the mistake and thanks to have pointing it out !
    Hope you've managed to cook it well. Let us know !


  5. Yeah once I did the math and realized that 50g was just about 3 tablespoons I just did equal sugar and water. It came out great but I think I let the caramel go too dark this time around.

    But this is definitely on my go to list now. Thanks for sharing!
