
Sunday, July 10, 2011

4-Hand Cooking: Milk Chocolate & Coconut Layer Cake.

Spending hours on food blogs has aroused somekind of an obsession within us: layer cakes. There are so beautiful, fancy, and greedy that we couldn't resist making one. Plus, it's absolutely not a French habit to make layer cakes -apart from wedding cakes of course but that doesn't happen everyday, right ?! So that's what we've done today; after days of "brainstorming" about the recipe and the flavours, we've finally opted for coconut and chocolate. It's such a perfect match for dessert. And after a few hours in kitchen, the result was pretty nice for a first attempt and the two food lovers we are were very satisfied, and RASSASIEES. We've tried two recipes for the cakes as we weren't really sure about the recipe. One was with almond puree -the top layer, the other without. And it turned out that the recipe with almond puree was actually tastier and made the coconut taste stronger.
By the way, enjoy your holidays!

For the coconut cakes:
- 340g all-purpose flour
- 100g powder coconut
- 90g agava syrup
- 80g almond puree
- 50g + 130g melted butter
- 12 eggs - egg whites separated
- 1 pinch salt
- 180ml coconut milk
- 9.5g baking powder

For the filling and frosting:
- 340g milk chocolate
- 320g softened butter
- 2 egg yolks
- 20ml coconut milk for the filling
- 20ml milk for the frosting

For the cakes:
1) Separate the yolks from the egg whites; whip the egg whites with the pinch of salt;
2) In another bowl, whip the yolks with the agava syrup; incorporate the almond puree and the melted butter; mix until getting a homogenous cream;
3) Add the flour and baking powder; mix;
4) Incorporate carefully the egg whites and pour the preparation into two similar mould; bake for about 40min;
5) Let the cakes cool down while preparing the filling and frosting.

For the milk chocolate coconut filling:
1) In a saucepan, melt 170g milk chocolate with the coconut milk. Let the preparation cool down;
2) Meanwhile, whip a yolk. Add the melted chocolate. Mix;
3) In a bowl, whip the softened butter with the chocolate preparation until it gets homogenous and creamy. Fridge for about 10min;
4) Before filling the the cake, brush each cake with some coconut milk. Fill the cake with the chocolate and coconut cream. Fridge.

For the milk chocolate frosting:
1) In a saucepan, melt 170g milk chocolate with the milk. Let the preparation cool down;
2) Meanwhile, whip a yolk. Add the melted chocolate. Mix;
3) In a bowl, whip the softened butter with the chocolate preparation until it gets homogenous and creamy. Fridge for about 10min;
4) Frost the cake. Fridge. Eat.



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