Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sweet jalapenos, goat cheese and onion marmelade.


1 red bell pepper

1 yellow red pepper

1 portion of goat cheese ( "chèvre frais")

1 tbsp onion marmelade (you can get the recipe here)

2 tbsp olive oil

- 1 tbsp honey

- Salt and pepper

- a few salad leaves


We'll start with the jalapenos (the only part that "needs to be cooked"). First put the jalapenos in a preheated 410° oven for 20 minutes so that you can take the skin off later. When this is done cut them into small cubes while your olive oil is heating. Put your jalapenos in the skillet, add salt and pepper and 1 tbsp honey, keep tossing over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Put a few salad leaves in a dish and add the hot jalapenos (that'll make the goat cheese melt), the goat cheese and 1 tbsp onion marmelade on top.

By K.

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