
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Moroccan lamb burgers with caramelized onion and raisin sauce.

B's birthday was 10 months ago and even if I baked her a birthday cake, I've failed to make her our traditional birthday-burger -shame on me- but BUT better late than never! so HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!! Since B loves to share my addictions with people I've thought I'd pay her back  -It wouldn't be fair to me if I appeared as the only greedy one-
So out of B's loonggg, veryy looonnng, (so long that it would take me months to tell you the whole list) list of addictions, there is LAMB. Yep she loves lamb, she adores lamb, and if you ask me I find it pretty cruel knowing that lambs are baby sheeps... but since this recipe was for her birthday and since I don't mean to highlight the violent and cruel aspects of B's troubled personality -and of course I'm kidding- I'll just end this by saying that this is not a vegan blog anyway and that these "lamburgers" were DELICIOUS. 
Hopefully she'll get another burger in two months, or maybe six, or nine...

Makes 2 burgers

- 200g (ground) lamb
- 1 egg
- 1 onion
-30g raisins
- parsley
-cilantro,cumin,paprika (I used a mix of Moroccan spices containing those three)
- mint
- salt, pepper
- olive oil
-1/2 cucumber


1) Grind 200g lamb in a food processor. In a large bowl, mix the ground lamb with 1 egg, parsley, cilantro, mint, salt and pepper.
2) Divide the lamb into 2 portions and form two patties and let rest in the fridge.
3) Heat 1tbsp olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add 1 chopped onion and 1 tbsp vinegar. Let cook until the onions are caramelized and add salt, pepper, cilantro, cumin, paprika and 30g raisins.
4) Pour about 2 tbsp olive oil in a frying pan, when the oil is hot, cook the patties until done.
5) Serve on buns and top with 1/2 sliced cucumber and the caramelized onion and raisin sauce.


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