
Friday, October 21, 2011

B's Birthday : Chocolate and Coffee BDay Cake.

So we've been running this blog for about two years now and you can find a few posts giving recipes for birthday cakes or birthday meals and I can only admit that all these yummy posts are for MY birthday... And I'm sure you must think that I'm a terrible friend but I'm not. And here's the proof : I baked B a delicious cake and I do it every year but sometimes the result doesn't look so good.
B and I have a thing : my birthday is in March, B's birthday is in July but she didn't get her present and her cake before September and I didn't get my present and my cake before May. So yes we can obviously say that we have two birthdays -sometimes three- in the year. That was my dream as a little girl and today it's reality yay!
The other thing we do is giving each other clues on what the cake or the gift will be. The clue I gave her was "mermaid"... "mermaid?cake? Huh?" Yes she was confused, she first thought I was going to bake a lemon cake : mermaid->fish->lemon hmm why not? But no.
Then she got all excited about the fact that I could bake a fish cake... she was telling me how original and different it would be but I had to upset her once again. Anyway when I told her what it was and what I was thinking about by saying "mermaid"->Starbucks->coffee (so easy), she looked at me, she laughed and she friendly insulted me... But she loved the cake!

Happy -late- B-day b***** (that's the word she used to thank me :))

Ingredients:For the (1)chocolate cake :
- 200gr dark chocolate
 - 125gr butter
- 125gr flour
 - 150gr sugar
- 1 tbspoon cocoa powder
- 3 large eggs.

For the moka buttercream :
- 200gr butter (at room temperature
 - 3 tbspoon strong coffee
 - 2 tbspoon icing sugar

Directions :
Preheat the oven at 450°F.
1) Melt 200gr dark chocolate in a double boiler and add 125gr melted butter.
2) Add in a large bowl 125 gr flour, 150gr sugar and 1 tbspoon cocoa power.
3) Add 3 large eggs and stir until you get a homogenous mixture. Add the melted chocolate and butter and mix for about three minutes.
4) Bake for 20-30 minutes.
5) During this time, prepare the moka buttercream : beat 200gr unsalted butter to obtain a creamy and smooth texture. Add 3 tbspoon cold coffee and keep beating while adding 2 tbspoon icing sugar.
6) Let the cake(s) chill at room temperature for about 1 hour.
7) Assemble the cake and enjoy.


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