
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Vanilla Poached Pear, Chocolate Ice Cream, Chocolate Sauce and Hazelnut Topping.

Okay, so I've never eaten poached pears until today. True Story. Blogging and always looking for new recipes make me want to taste new recipes and food, and after having seen so many poached pears recipes on websites and in books, I just couldn't not try one! So here is my version of poached pears which I've served with some home made chocolate ice cream - I'm so glad my boyfriend offered me an ice cream maker for our 3rd anniversary, thanks again! Okay, I must confess that ... I  L O V E ice cream. I could eat ice cream like ... everyday? all day long? ...

- 4 firm pears
- 1 vanilla pod
- a handful of hazelnuts
- 50g dark chocolate
- 315g sugar
- 1L water
- 1 tb medium cream
For the ice cream
- 4 eggs + 2 egg whites
- 50cl milk
- 150 + 50g sugar
- 25cl medium cream
- 100g dark chocolate
- 30g unsweetened cocoa powder

For the pears:
1) Pour the water and sugar in a saucepan; cut the vanilla pod in two and add it in the saucepan;
2) Add the peeled pears when it begins to simmer and let them cook for about 15 to 20 min;
3) Let them cool down before serving.

For the ice cream:
1) Pour the milk in a saucepan; meanwhile, mix the eggs and the sugar together until the mixture gets creamy;
2) Remove the saucepan from heat when it begins to boil; pour in the bowl, mix with the preparation; pour again in the saucepan and let the preparation;
3) Meanwhile, pour the cream, dark chocolate, unsweetened chocolate, and 50g sugar in another saucepan and let the chocolate melt;
4) In a bowl, pour both of the preparations and let cool down a while before adding two whipped egg whites; fridge the preparation for about 3-4 hours;
5) Pour the preparation in the ice cream maker; Place in the freezing compartment.

Serve the poached pears as your taste. As for me, I've served them with the ice cream, some hazelnuts, and hot chocolate sauce.



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