
Friday, February 4, 2011

My Blueberry Days.

love blueberry muffins. I could eat blueberry muffins all day long. Unfortunately, we hardly find them in France; the only place I can find some of them is at the Starbucks' but they're somewhat expensive so they're kind of guilty treats I allow myself to buy from time to time ...
Therefore, to remedy this existential problem, I decided to buy frozen blueberries and to give free rein to my greed and tadaaa! I did it! They were moist and flavorful, just like those from Mark&Spencer (I loveeeee M&S muffins; I buy several packs of them anytime I go to London). I got the recipe from Glamour magazine (okay, it's not exactly THE cooking reference but it worked this time) and I just changed slightly things.
PS: I just bought a "cooking" notebook because my parents were getting upset to see all these recipes in a big mess on the kitchen table ... So excited to jot down the first recipe.

for half a dozen muffins (I agree, that's not enough. But who said you couldn't bake twice in a day?)
- 130g flour
- 80g sugar
- 1 tbspoon of baking powder
- 1 lump of salt
- 1 egg
- 20cl of heavy cream
- 5cl of sunflower oil
- zest of half a lemon
- and of course 100g blueberries

1) preheat the oven at 180°C
2) wishk together the egg, the oil, the cream and the zest
3) add the dry ingredients
4) add the blueberries and stir carefully
5) bake for 25min.

By B.


  1. clém T. aka thierry marxFebruary 5, 2011 at 8:14 AM

    mortel ça a l'air super bon ! une verson espagnole pour la prochaine ?! =)

  2. What lovely blueberry muffins. I love how fat they look and such nice golden tops. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog right now and I'd like to invite you to stop by and link your muffins up.

  3. Wow, these muffins looks delicious. Blueberry is one of my favorites too! :) Yum...

  4. Thanks Lisa, Christina, and Amy. I'm in the mood for blueberry muffins today ... again :)

  5. Non seulement, ils sont beaux, mais ils sont délicieux! Thanks Bella!



  6. I would like to share a Stylish Blogger Award with you! You can find it on my blog...

  7. They look amazing and delicious! I love blueberry, I love muffins. What else!
