
Monday, February 7, 2011

Goat cheese and parmesan sablés

There is something wrong with me, and I'm sure you'll say it's a shame for someone who loves baking as much as I do... well the thing is most of the time I don't have eggs in my fridge...
So today I wanted to cook something I opened my fridge and I saw fresh goat cheese, parmesan, but no eggs but luckily for me there is at least one recipe that doesn't require eggs : sablés! They're easy to make, they're light, crunchy and they make a great appetizer.
To all cheese lovers here is the (eggless) recipe :

Ingredients : (about 30 sablés)

70 gr fresh goat cheese
70 gr parmesan
100 gr flour
80 gr butter
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
A touch of paprika (but you can add any spices you want)

Directions :

Mix 100 gr flour, 70 gr parmesan, salt, pepper and paprika in a large bowl. Add the butter cut into pieces and the goat cheese.
Start mixing with your fingers to obtain a dough and let it rest for half an hour in the fridge. I made a kind of sausage I put in the fridge to cut round sablés.
Place in a 400 °F preheat oven for 25 minutes.
Take the sablés out and let cool for ten minutes.

By K.


  1. What a wonderful picture! If they are as good as they are beautiful I'm in!

  2. Thanks Brittany, yes they were as good as they looked ;)
