
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Double chocolate molten lava cake or the most devilish treat for your Valentine ...

Okay, Valentine's Day is a commercial holiday and you can't stand seeing hearts everywhere (heart shape like cakes, red heart balloons, ... ) but it's a perfect occasion to bake a delicious treat to your Valentine (or just you, that works too). This recipe must be the one I've done the most over the past 3 years. I found a molten lave cake recipe in a French book by chance and since then I've been working on it, changing the ingredients quantities and trying different chocolate tablets and filling until I got the perfect recipe (well, at least it is perfect for me and my relatives who ask for it every time I see them ...)

This one is filled with milk chocolate but I also love the cherry jam filling because the cake tastes like Black Forest Cake (my favorite cake actually). I also tried the apricot jam filling, pretty original and sweet. And on big events I fill them with white chocolate so that the surprise is bigger when you discover this white liquid inside this dark chocolate cake.

Anyway, hope you'll enjoy your Valentine's Day!

And be it for him/her or just for you, don't hold back and have a devilish but so yummy treat ...

PS: the second photo is a good proof of my greed ... isn't it ?!
for 4
- 150g dark chocolate
- 90g butter
- 2 tbspoon medium cream
- 2 eggs
- 1 tbspoon agava syrup
- 3 tbspoon flour
Preheat the oven at 240°C/450°F
1) Melt the chocolate, butter and cream together ; let it cool down ;
2) In a bowl, whisk the eggs and the agava syrup together until you obtain an homogenous and light texture ;
3) Incorporate the flour ;
4) Incorporate the melted chocolate ;
5) Use metal cooking circles or ramekins ; fill with the mixture at half of them; add two milk chocolate squares and fill to the brim
6) Bake for about 7-8min (the top must be firm but soft); remove from heat and let them cool down 5min before turning the cakes out ;
7) E N J O Y. (By the way, you can add some ice cream on the top of you cake, ... too much greed ?!)
By B.