
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pear pie and chocolate sauce: a guilty treat?

It's pretty cold, snowy and rainy outside and to face that I wanted to eat something warm, sweet, something seasonal. I had some pears and chocolate, so why not making a pear pie? To increase the pleasure, I made a chocolate crust and Tadaaa: a perfect dessert for any moment of the day, and simple on top of that.

- 2 cups half-wheat flour
- 1/2 cup icing sugar
- 1/3 cup cocoa powder
- 1 pinch of salt
- 3/4 cold butter
- 1 tbsp of water
- 2 beaten egg yolks
- 2-3 ripe pears
- 2 tbsps vanilla sugar
- chocolate (as you want; I used half a tablet)
- 3 tbsps liquid cream

Start with the crust because it'll have to rest for 2hours in the fridge.
1) Put together the flour, butter (it must be very cold and cut in little cubes), icing sugar, salt, water & cocoa powder. Use your fingers to mix the ingredients; the mixture must look like crumbs (it takes 10 to 15 minutes to get this result);
2) Add the egg yolks, continue to mix and make a ball; put it in the fridge;
3) After 2h, roll the crust, shape the way you want (I have a preference for rectangular pies) and place it on a parchment paper in a preheated 450-500°F oven until it's almost baked (don't forget to cover the crust with dry beans or lentils put on another piece of parchment paper so that it won't inflate );
4) Meanwhile the crust is baking, slice the pears;
5) Remove the parchment paper, put the slices on the crust, and sprinckle with vanilla sugar; bake for about 25-30min, the pears must be golden;
6)For a home-made chocolate sauce, melt the chocolate with the butter and pour it on the pie.
Serve immediately. And enjoy.
By B.

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